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Ranch Horses and Clinics

Andrew has strived to follow in his late Uncle, Peter Campbells footsteps. Continuosly working on his horsemanship to better his own timing and feel, to always do the best for the horse. Cowboying from BC to SK on numerous ranches, Andrew now manages a grazing co op north of Medicine Hat where he rides and works on his horsemanship daily. 


Andrew offers a limited number of private lessons and clinics throughout the year, for people wanting help with anything from starting colts, ranch roping and cattle work to a higher degree of horsemanship. The ranch is equipped with both round pen and sand arena for those in the area or willing to travel. Andrew will also travel for private clinics and lessons. 


Whether you are looking to better your horsemanship journey, have a problem horse, want to start your first colt or halter break babies, or would like to learn to rope or work cattle then please feel free to reach out. 


Ranch horse
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